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Encouragement | Prayer | Creativity

Do any of these sound familiar...

  • I feel stuck and need a little boost of encouragement. 
  • I need a creative outlet - with direction.
  • I'm lonely
  • I want to leave behind a testament of my faith.
  • I hate crafting alone, too bad I don't have a group of friends to create with.
  • My prayer life is stagnant.
  • Prayer is so important, I should pray more.
  • I don't have enough time to do all the things I want to, so I don't do anything.
  • It'd be nice to know someone was praying for me. 
  • I'd like to record the little moments of my life. 
  • Slowing down and "smelling the roses" would be so wonderful, I'm gonna do that more! I'd like to pray more, but I'm not really sure how. 
  • Being creative fills my soul, but I don't know where to start. 
  • I don't have enough money to add new decor to my home.
  • I wish I could create original home decor that fits MY style.  

If any of these ring true - you're in the right spot! 

And I don't believe you're here by coincidence!

You're gonna love it here!

You'll get an EXCLUSIVE dynamic mix of easy budget-friendly paper and cardboard decor craft tutorials, weekly prayer, a creative faith art journal, and TONS of encouragement, all while walking with a community of like minded friends.

And I'll be right beside you every step of the way!

Join us now and get instant access to:

  • Over 40 EXCLUSIVE paper and cardboard home decor projects
  • 2 years of monthly faith art journal inspiration
  • Over 100 prayers, covering a variety of common topics
  • Access to our members only community
  • Weekly prayer request forum
  • PLUS - all the new projects, prayers and journal lessons that are coming!
Join now

Here's what our community has to say about the group:

"I have spent more time in prayer and quiet stillness."

"I am looking at things around me differently and trying to think about responses, that I give, a little longer that I normally do."

"I feel I have grown in listening to God's messages to us more. I feel more on peace within me, I know God wants me on this journey right now."

"Staying close to Christ daily in a fun way and making friends."

"To allow others to love on me."

"My prayer time has increased…praying for woman I don’t even know personally…such a beautiful thing."

"I think my knowledge of scripture has grown; I think my faith has expanded; I find myself more grateful; my creativity has expanded. And I’ve made the sweetest new friend whom I connect with daily."

"Kim has improved my walk with God. Also her use of diverse materials in her projects gave me confidence to explore on my own."

"My problems don't seem so big compared to what others are going through. I'm trying to be more mindful of what and how I say things to others. I am encouraged to be a better person all around."

"I make time to pray. I appreciate prayer and God so much more. I’m understanding the Bible, even if it’s a little at a time, but I love learning about it. I have more overall joy. It’s like a skip in my step."

"Praying everyday."

"Praying and looking at scripture more and mindfully doing crafts."

"It has helped me to reflect on daily prayer and others needs."

"Praying BIG prayers is important."

 "I feel better about where I am in my life."

What's Inside:

What Our Members Are Saying About paper & a prayer...

Choose a community plan that's right for you...


$15 per month

  • Pay as you go each month
  • Over 40 EXCLUSIVE paper and cardboard home decor projects
  • 2 years of monthly faith art journal inspiration
  • Over 100 prayers, covering a variety of common topics
  • Access to our members only community
  • Weekly prayer request forum
  • PLUS - all the new projects, prayers and journal lessons that are coming!
Join Now


$150 per year

Most Popular

  • Get two months FREE
  • Over 40 EXCLUSIVE paper and cardboard home decor projects
  • 2 years of monthly faith art journal inspiration
  • Over 100 prayers, covering a variety of common topics
  • Access to our members only community
  • Weekly prayer request forum
  • PLUS - all the new projects, prayers and journal lessons that are coming!
Join Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are just a few projects we've done in the group

I love to dig deeper. 

I've dreamt of this group for years and it's become such a joy to love on the women in the club! Creativity, hospitality, prayer  - those are my spiritual gifts. It took me a long time to recognize them and actually be able to say that statement out loud. Now that I'm owning those gifts, it's amazing to share them on a deeper level and this fun group is the perfect way. I hope you'll jump on in with me. Life was meant to be shared, so let's do it!

It's time to do something special for you! Commit to your creativity, faith and relationships today. Let's grow together. 

1. Join the club and get started TODAY! 

2. Get started crafting budget-friendly home decor, enjoy being covered in prayer, and join a community that feels like family. 

3. Gain confidence and a fresh perspective to cultivate a heart and home you adore that reflects your faith. 

Choose a community plan that's right for you...


$15 per month

  • Pay as you go each month
  • Over 40 EXCLUSIVE paper and cardboard home decor projects
  • 2 years of monthly faith art journal inspiration
  • Over 100 prayers, covering a variety of common topics
  • Access to our members only community
  • Weekly prayer request forum
  • PLUS - all the new projects, prayers and journal lessons that are coming!
Join Now


$150 per year

Most Popular

  • Get two months FREE
  • Over 40 EXCLUSIVE paper and cardboard home decor projects
  • 2 years of monthly faith art journal inspiration
  • Over 100 prayers, covering a variety of common topics
  • Access to our members only community
  • Weekly prayer request forum
  • PLUS - all the new projects, prayers and journal lessons that are coming!
Join Now